Still open for business but not abandoning masks yet

Still open for business but not abandoning masks yet


Just a quick heads up that we will not be going mask free in our workshop yet.

Like many we are happy that the world seems to want to return to normal.
However we feel that the recent decision by Boris to totally lift all precautions is far too premature. 
Whilst we have an increasing infection rate with the Delta variant and other forms, we feel that it is not yet the time to dispense with routines of wearing mask, social distancing and good hygiene.

So we will be continuing with asking our customers to wear a mask if visiting and we will do so too.
It has been a tough year and I have personally lost a few people in my life to Covid and had staff who have had a battle with Covid, so we are taking it seriously.

However if you feel unable to comply with this we can either serve you at the door as we did under lockdown, or you are welcome to visit later when hopefully things will have stabilised and improved enough to not require mask wearing.

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