Still open during the Covid-19
Hi folks . What strange times we find ourselves in.
I hope that you are all doing well and still finding time to enjoy your guitars.
Just thought I'd update you with what is going on here at Feline Guitars during the Covid-19 crisis.
We are remaining open for repair work, and for the sale of sundries such as strings, but we have some restrictions in place for safety which you might imagine.
We are still taking in guitars for repair, servicing and upgrades
People can either send their guitars in by courier (we are open for delivery Tuesday to Saturday), or drop off in person
Courier service
We have found that some fair prices can be found via sites like INTERPARCEL or TRANSGLOBAL EXPRESS.
We also can't stress enough to pack your guitar well, and to reduce the tension on the neck for transit by lowering the tuning considerably.
We will ship back to you the same way (we usually choose UPS for our courier).
Our address phone number and email can all be found on our contact page for filling out courier documents
Personal callers
You can drop off a guitar in person, but there are some changes to how that is done for now:
Rather than welcoming customers in with their guitars, to have a sit down and go over what their guitar may need we are having to book guitars in at the door, and discussing details subsequently via phone-call or email.
We ask customers to include a sheet of paper with their contact info, the make and model of the guitar in question, and maybe an outline of any concerns that they would like us to have a look at.
This helps us make sure we address these concerns when we get to look at your guitars and make a diagnosis and plan the work we should carry out.
Hopefully we will find a better way to do all this soon, and hopefully a way forward will be found sooner rather than later.
Mail Order/Online sales
We are obviously still sending out stuff by post or courier, so our website shop, and also our Reverb and eBay shops are still being looked after on a daily basis.
**mask image borrowed from Amazon**
As ever we are a phonecall away on 0208 680 9131